Wednesday, October 3, 2018
4-5 Sets:
Pause Overhead Squat x5;
Build to moderate set of 5 reps;
F: 22x2; 6-8 reps
P: 22x2; 5 reps;
S: Close Grip OHS x5; 22x2
Long Tabata
16 min total;
32 intervals - 20 sec on, 10 sec off;
start at worst station; score is low reps at each station
1. Row for Cal
2. DB Hang Power Snatch; alt arms
3. Box Jump + Step Down
4. 1DB Overhead Squat
F: Box Step Up or Low Jump + Russian KBS + KB Front Squat
P: DB Hang Power Snatch + KB Front Squat or OHS
S: KB Hang Power Snatch + KB OHS