CrossFit 310

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018


5 Sets:

Sumo Deadlift;

8 reps; 2020 tempo; build - rest 2 min after each

F: Clean Grip DL or Sumo DL x10 reps; 2020 tempo

P/S: Build to tough set of 8 reps @2020 tempo


"16 Going on 30"

4 Rounds:

30 sec per station, no rest - immediately

into next station

Row 30 sec hard

30 seconds Push Press 75/53#

30 seconds Double Unders/Fast Singles

30 seconds Slam ball

2 min off [16 min total]

F: 2DB Push Press or empty barbell 45/33# + Fast Singles

P: 75/53#

S: 95/65#

Goal is turnover