Saturday, October 27, 2018
"Run to the Hills"
Team/Partner WOD:
in teams of 2;
One Set every 2 min
Each Person Runs 100m
P1 Runs, then P2 Runs
Then in remaining time
both partners perform max reps of a movement;
[with oly 1 piece of equipment]
1. Power Clean 95/65# [1 bar]
2. Pull Ups
3. Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 [1 bar]
4. Ring Dips
5. Power Snatch 95/65#
6. Power Clean 95/65#
7. Pull Ups
8. Shoulder to Overhead
9. Ring Dips
10. Power Snatch 95/65#
so this workout takes 20 minutes total.
F: 2DB Power Clean/1DB Hang Power Snatch + Push Ups
P: 95/65#
S: 135/95#