Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Muscle Up Progression/Kipping Pull Up work:
3 sets for quality; rotate through & work on weaknesses or sharpening skills
1. False Grip Pull Up on Rings x4-6 reps
F: Ring Row
P; Kipping Ring Pull up
S: False Grip Ring Strict Pull Up
2. Hollow Rock x10-15 reps;
All Groups
3. Ring Dips x
F: Push Ups x8-10 reps
P: Ring Dips or Muscle Up attempts
S: 3-5x Ring Muscle Up + 2 Ring Dips
at the top of each rep
B. Complete 4 rounds; [no more than 20 min]
-be careful of ripped hands!
4 sets for individual times:
50 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
rest 2 min active after each set
F: 100 Single unders + 15 Wall Balls + 10 Jumping Pull Ups
P: as RX and sub down to chin over bar pull ups
S: 50 Double Unders + 25 Wall Balls + 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups + 5 Bar Muscle Ups (The goal is to get each movement unbroken but doesn't have to be.) Rest 2 min active after each round.
Hammer Curl 3x10