CrossFit 310

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Friday, May 25, 2018


Back Squat
- wave loaded reps 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3

F: Build up to a tough set of 5 reps w/good form at 20X1 tempo

P/S: Build; to tough set of 3
- 2nd set of wave is heavier than first
- for example; based on 1RM
1st wave 5 @ 60%, 4 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, then
2nd wave 5 @ 65%, 4 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%


"Feels Great"
15 Alt EMOM:

1. 3 Weighted Pull Up
- Build to a tough set of 3 reps [don't have to be unbroken]

F: 3 Slow Eccentric Pull Up [can be weighted]

P: weighted, as rx, for each concentric they cannot get, perform weighted eccentric

S: 3 strict CtB weighted

2. 150m run @high effort
or Row 150m
or Airbike 12/9 Cals

3. Heavy DB/KB Thruster
- build to tough set of 5
- from the ground - increasing load each round, don't have to be unbroken

F: 2DB thruster, 5-7 reps for tech [or wall ball x10]
P: 5 reps from ground; 2DB/KB
S: 5 reps from groud; 2DB/KB - Build tough set

*score is heaviest Thruster & Heaviest Pull Up*