Saturday, August 11, 2018
2 sets:
- for warm up/technique
Jerk Technique Drills
all groups; light or no load
A1. Jerk Balance x5
A2. Jerk Dip x5
A3. 2KB OH Carry x50'
5 rounds:
Split Jerk [from a rack]
build to moderate set of 3 reps w/great technique
F: 5x5 Push Press, build to moderate
hold 1 sec overhead each rep; not touch & go!
can be BB or 2DB's
P: Build to moderate set of 3 reps
S: Build to moderate set of 3 reps
"Bumper Cars"
15 min AMRAP
-Teams of 2
100m 45/25# Bumper Plate Carry, each person - alternating
50 Deadlift (split as needed)
100m 45/25# Bumper Plate Carry, each person
100 Push Ups (Split as needed)
100m 45/25# Bumper Plate Carry, each person
150 Sit Ups (Split as needed)
100m 45/25# Bumper Plate Carry, each person
200 Double Unders (Split as needed)
F: 25/10# Carry + KB DL or Light BB Deadlift + Scaled Push Up + 500 Single Unders
P: 185/115# DL, rest as Rx
S: 225/155# DL + V-up, rest Rx