Tuesday, August 21, 2018
A1. Strict Press;
Build to a 5RM
All Groups;
then go to A2
A2. Drop Set; Strict Press
take 75% of A & perform max reps unbroken
[can rest in front rack]
all groups
then go to A3
A3. Drop Set; Strict Press
Take 50% of A & perform max reps unbroken
all groups
Lactic Power
1 min on, 2 min off;
high effort per station
start at any station;
score is cals + reps combined;
1. Row for Cal
2. DB Hang Power Snatch
3. Airbike for Cal
[or row again, or shuttle run]
4. Burpee Box Jump Over
F: Burpee + Slam Ball
P: 50/35# + 24/20" BBJO
S: 70/50# + 30/24"