Monday, August 6, 2018
A. Hang Squat Clean
- build to tough set of 3 reps
One set every 2 min for 12 min
B. Front Squat 1&1/4
- 3 x 3 reps
One set every 2 min for 6 min
"Three's Company"
3 sets
- 45 sec on; 15 sec off to rotate
score is max reps
1. Hang Squat Clean
F: KB Front Squat
P: 115/75#
S: 155/105#
2. Strict Pull Up [any grip]
F: Jumping Negatives
[sub down to ring rows if this is too challenging]
P: Strict Pull Ups
S: Strict CtB Pull Ups
3. Airbike/10m Shuttle Run/Sled Push
Airbike =1pt each cal;
10m Shuttle run/sled = 1pt each 10m
all groups