Monday, October 21, 2019
A. 5 Sets for quality - build
A1. Front Squat; Build
F: 6 reps; 31x1 tempo; BB or DB
P/S: Build to daily tough triple/3 reps
pause 1 second in bottom each rep
A2. Strict HSPU/Strict Press: 20 seconds max reps
F: 2DB Seated Strict Press
P: Strict/Assisted
S: Strict HSPU/defecit
B. "30 Seconds to Mars"
4 sets: Rotate Through. 30 sec on/30 sec off; Score is total reps combined.
1. Pull Up
F: Chin over bar hold
P: CtB Pull Ups
S: Ring MU
2. Thruster
F: 2DB Thruster light
P: 95/65#
S: 135/95#
3. Row for Cal: All Groups