Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A. 4 Sets:
A1. Prone Row x5; build to moderate: all groups
A2. Half Kneeling Landmine Press x5-6 each arm or Half Kneeling DB/KB Press build, all groups
A3. Half Kneeling Rotational MB Throw x5 each side, all groups
B. "Stop and Go"
5 min on, rest 2 min x2 set
5x Strict Pull Up +
10x Single arm Alt Arm KB Hang Clean (total reps)
20x Push Up
F: 10x Ring Row + 10x Slam Ball + 10x Push Up
P: 53/35#
S: 70/53#
*Score is total rounds. Start from beginning on second set.
WOD Notes:
-Muscle Endurance Intervals, will be lots of start/stop
-Stay under redline
-Grip may be limiter