Monday, November 4, 2019
A. One set every 2 min for 12-14 min; build
Build to a tough set of 2-3 reps Back Squat
F: 5-6 reps; 31x1 tempo, build moderate
P: 2-3 reps; no tempo; build
S: 2-3 reps; no tempo; build
B. 4 sets: 30 sec on/off:
1. Overhead Squat
F: DB Front Squat
P: 95/65#
S: 135/95#
2. Strict Pull x30 sec for reps
any grip
F: Ring Row or pull up eccentric [jump up/lower down]
P; as rx
S: Strict CtB Pull Ups
3. Row/Airbike x 30 sec for cal - all groups
*Score is total reps