Monday, February 4, 2019
4 Sets:
A1. Press Complex
Build to tough set of:
1x Strict Press + 3x Push Press + 5x Push Jerk
F: 3x Strict Press + 5x Push Press
P: As rx
S: As rx
Rest 30 sec
A2. 2DB Reverse Lunge
All Groups: x6-8 each leg
Rest 60 sec
"Hang On Tight"
10 min AMRAP
Climbing ladder:
2x Hang Squat Clean, x 2HSPU,
4,4 - 6, 6, etc
F: 10x KB Front Squat + 10x Push Up
P: 135/95#, Kipping HSPU
S: 185/125/Strict HSPU
Sample Score:
Rounds = Round of reps completed
Reps = Remaining reps completed
Ex: Finish Round of 10 plus 3 HSPU = 10 + 13