Wednesday, February 6, 2019
4 Sets: For quality
A1.Hang Squat Snatch x2 + OHS x4
build to moderate w/great technique
F: OHS x5 for technique
P/S: Build to moderate set
A2. Muscle Up Progression
F: Ring Row x8-10 reps
P: 3-5x Banded MU transitions +Dip
S: Ring Muscle Ups x3-5 reps
scale reps down as needed
One Set every 4 min for 16 min
rest remaining time
150m Run or 12/9 Cal Bike +
12x Thruster
12x Pull Up
F: 2DB Thruster + Jumping Pull Up
P: 95/63# + Chin Over Bar
S: 115/75 + CtB Pull Up
rest remaining time;
score each set individually;
if they're not getting ~1min rest - drop load down
*Score is going to be slowest set, then put splits in the note section*