Monday, March 11, 2019
4 Sets:
Back Squat x8-10 reps; build
rest 2-3 min
get at a weight they can do at 65-75% of max
F: 8-10 reps; 30x1 tempo; hold tempo & focus on form
P/S: as rx - adjust load based on need
"Running Through the Wall"
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run/Row 250m/Airbike 15/12 Cal
10 Single Arm DB/KB Thruster Unbroken each arm
10 Pull Up
F: Run/Row/Bike + 10x Front Squat + 10x Push Press each arm + 10 Jumping Pull Up
P: as rx; keep loads lighter
S: Heavy SA DB/KB Thruster + 10x CtB Pull Ups