Tuesday, March 19, 2019
One set every 2 min for 12 min (6 Sets):
Build up to 3RM from rack Thruster
F: 5x Front Squat + 5x Push Press [all fsq, then all ppr]
P/S: build to tough set of 3 rep thruster
"Controlled Chaos"
12 min Alt EMOM
Start at worst station; rotate through
4 sets through:
1. Row/Airdyne; 10/8 Cals high effort
F: 8/6 reps
P; as rx S: 12/10 Cals
2. Thruster x10-12 reps
F: 2DB Thruster or light barbell
P; 95/65#
S: 115/75#
3. CtB Pull Ups x10-12 reps
F: 8-10x Ring row or kipping pull up practice
P: 8-10 reps for quality [start off at CtB then go to chin over bar]
S: CtB Pull Ups x12-15 reps
Score is slowest time at each station in any 1 round. Input the slowest time from any movement as the score, then write the slowest times for all movements into the notes section.