CrossFit 310

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Thursday, April 18, 2019


A. 4 Sets:

A1. 2DB Glute Bridge Bench Press x8-10; 31x1, build

rest 30 sec

All Groups

A2. Hollow Hold x20 sec, rest 60 sec

All Groups


B. "Dub, Core, Push Up TABATA"

Low Score at each station

Perform all 8 sets before rotating

Rest 30 sec after each set of 8 is complete

1. Double Unders

F: Singles or total rope passes [combo of single/double], P: As Rx, S: Triple unders

2. Push Ups

F: Knees or Toes, P: Rx or Parrallette, S: Ring Push Up

3. Sit Ups

F: Sit Ups, P: Sit Ups or V-Ups, S: V-Ups