Friday, May 3, 2019
A. 4 Sets Build
A1. Pause Front Squat x4-5 reps, rest 10-20 sec
F: Goblet Squat KB/DB: 32x1 tempo x6-8 reps
P/S: Front Squat; 32x1 w/barbell; build; x4-5 reps
A2. 2kb front rack lunge x6 each leg, rest 10-20 sec, then A3
F: Single KB Lunge x6 each leg, P/S: as rx; rest
A3. Chin Over Bar Hold x15 sec; rest 60-90 sec
F: Supinated Grip; cumulative time, P: Pronated Chin over Bar, S: Pronated CtB
B. "On to the Next"
4 sets; AMRAP each station;
[12 min total]; score is total reps
30 sec on/30 sec off
1. Dips:
F: Box Dip or Assisted
P: Ring Dips
S: Ring Muscle Up
2. Hang Squat Cleans
F: 2DB Front Squat or Med Ball Clean
P: 115-135/75-95# [goal is to get them to Grace/QGB weight of 135/95]
S: 185/125#
3. Airbike Sprint: 1 pt for every cal: All Groups