Wednesday, May 29, 2019
A. 4-5 Sets:
A1. 1x DB/KB Strict Press + 2x Push Press + 3x Push Jerk each arm, build
F: 1DB: 3x strict Press +3 Push Press
P/S: build to tough set
A2. Pistol Practice
F: KB Box Step up x5 each leg
P: Pistol x5 each leg
S: Weighted Pistol x5 each leg
B. "On Repeat"
7 min AMRAP; rest 2 min, repeat;
score each AMRAP individually; goal is similar scores;
Run 100m
10 total 1DB/KB Shoulder to overhead [total reps; alt arms as needed]
10 Walking Lunge [total steps]
Loading is a weight they can do with stopping only in transition, Alt Arms as needed
F: Run + Walking Lunge + 10x light DB Push Press
P: 50/35# 1DB + 1DB Front Rack Lunge
S: 70/50# 1DB + Single Arm OH Walking Lunge