CrossFit 310

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019


A. 4 Sets:

A1. Behind the neck strict press x3; build

F: 2DB Standing Strict Press x5 reps; 40x1

P/S: Build to tough set of 3

A2. Ring Row Iso Hold:

F: Ring Row Iso Hold: 20 sec

P: Feet Elevated Ring Row Hold 20 sec

S: Single Arm Ring Row Hold: 10 sec each arm


B. "White Walkers"

For Time:

800m Run

50x Single Arm DB Push Press (alt arms as needed)

40x T2B

30x DB Walking Lunge (total steps, same DB as Push Press)

F: 600m Run + 40x 1DB Push Press + 40x Sit Up + 40x Bwt Lunges

P: As RX

S: As RX: tough load