Monday, July 22, 2019
A. 4 Sets Build
A1. Supinated Strict Pull Up x5
F: 5x Eccentric Sup. Pull Up
[or Ring Row x10]
P: 5x Strict or weighted
S: 5x Strict CtB Weighted [supinated]
A2. 2DB or BB Floor Press x8;
All Groups; build to moderate set of 8
B. Aerobic Power Intervals:
4 sets:45 sec on/15 sec to rotate; [12 min total]
1. Row for Cal/Airbike for cal
2. Single Arm KB Hang Power Clean alt arms
3. Push Up
F: Russian KBS + Push Up
P: as rx; moderate load
S: 2KB Russian Hang Power Clean + Ring Push Up
*Score = max total reps