Friday, September 20, 2019
A. 5-6 sets
A1. Deadlift x5-5-5-5-5; final set AMRAP at weight done at 4th or 5th set of 5 [roughly 80-85% of max]
F: 10 reps; 2010 tempo; build to moderate on tempo
P/S: Build
A2. Strict HSPU Practice
F: Tall Kneeling 2DB Press x8; build
P: 3-5 reps; concentric or eccentric for every rep you cannot perform concentric
S: Strict deficit HSPU x3-5 reps; increasing depth
B. "Top to Bottom"
8 min AMRAP:
Climbing Ladder: 3-6-9-12-15/etc,
3x Hang Squat Snatch 95/65#
3x T2B
then 6-6, 9-9,etc, etc
Scoring: Ex finish round of 15 and completed 3 T2B = 15 Rounds + 18
F: DB Hang Power Snatch L/R = 1 or Slam Ball + Hanging Knee Raises
P: as rx
S: 135/95#