Welcome to Team 310
Team 310 is a pipeline for teens to learn and master imperative movement patterns. More importantly, it’s a place to have fun with fitness.
Junior Varsity
Team 310 is a revolutionary program designed for kids 11-15 years old. This program is designed for boys and girls who are trying to excel on teams they already play for, or provide place to learn and move, and a team for kids that don't have one.
There is no pre-requisite, and best of all: It's a blast!
Our program is routinely praised by parents of kids who aren't interested in sports, or who aren't interested in conditioning or training for the sport their in.
Our method focuses on teaching kids 21 primary movement patterns that are comprehensive and indispensable towards the most advanced movements in the future.
Mastering these patterns (Pushup, Pullup, Squat, Handstand, Box Jump, Rope-Climb, for example) will give any youth an advantage when being coached in a sport, or the confidence to play as hard as they want to on the playground. Every sport requires strength and power through the hips or upper body. Every playground is more fun if you can confidently run, jump, swing, and climb.
Group classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00pm
Personal Training: At your convenience
Team 310 Pricing:
6 Classes - $120
Personal Training (60 mins) -$100
Personal Training (30 mins) -$60
The purpose of the Team 310 program is simple. Patterns.
All movement can be deconstructed into fundamental movement patterns and “Shapes” that the body uses to move, carry, play, and generate force.
Everyone can learn these patterns.
The earlier someone can learn these fundamental patterns, the more natural it will be to apply them to and then master more complex patterns.
When kids know how to move, they feel confident.
When kids have good movement patterns, they are less likely to get injured.
When kids aren’t thinking about moving, it feels like play.