Wednesday, April 25, 2018
4 sets, each exercise:
1. Sumo DL
8-10 reps @ 2020 tempo
*rest 30 sec btw sets
F: Holding DB/KB as needed for technique
P/S:load appropriately to stick with tempo
*Time under tension should be about 4 sec per rep and 32-40 sec per set*
2. Dragonfly/T2B Skill:
*rest 60 sec btw sets
F: 5 reps, knees tucked, slowly lower
P: 5 reps, 5 sec eccentric/lower
S: 3-4 reps, 8-10 sec eccentric/lower
"Party of Five"
5 rounds for time
5 Power Clean
10 Burpee
30 Double Unders
F: 10 Russian KBS/Slam Ball + 10 No Push Up Burpee + 50 Single
P: 115-135#/75-90# Power Clean
S: 165/110# Power Clean
3 x 10 Zottman Curl
3 x 10 V-Up