Saturday, April 28, 2018
Partner WOD: In teams of 2 or solo
10 Strict HSPU (teams of 2 = 20)
15 Deadlifts 250#/165# (teams of 2 = 30)
20 Box Jumps (teams of 2 = 40)
50 Pull Ups (teams of 2 = 75)
100 Wall Balls (teams of 2 = 150)
200 Double Unders (teams of 2 = 300)
400m Run with 45#/25# plate (teams of 2 = 400m together, each carrying a plate)
F and P: with partner, as RX.
S: 315# DL +10 Strict Defecit HSPUs + 20 30" Box Jumps + 30 Bar MUs + 100 Wall Balls 303/20# + 200 DUs + 400m Run with plate
3 Sets of 12 Standing Reverse Flies
3 Sets of 12 Skull Crushers