Thursday, November 7, 2019
A. 3-4 sets; build
A1. Close Grip Bench Press: 31x1; tough set of 5
F: 2DB Bench Press 31x1 x8-10
P/S: as rx
rest 30 sec
A2. Hollow Rock x20 seconds practice
F: Hollow Hold x20 sec
P/S: Hollow Rock x20 sec
rest 30 sec
A3. Tall Kneeling Side MB Throw x4-5 L/R w/Partner,
rest 60 sec
B. Full Tabata at each station
For total reps
Rest 30 sec to rotate after all 8 sets are complete
1. Wall Walk
F: Bear Crawl [1pt every 10m, or wall walk]
P/S: wall walk for quality [can be 2DB Bear Crawl]
2. Single Arm Farmers Walk;
1pt every 10m; switch arms as needed
All Groups - switch arms as needed
3. Rowing/Airbike for cal/Sled Push 1 pt every 10m
all groups
*Score is total reps, note breakdown (total reps per movement, then grand total)