CrossFit 310

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019


6 Sets One set every 2 min for 12 min:

Power Snatch Complex; for technique;

3x Power Snatch +3x OHS;

F: 5x hang power snatch + 5x OHS;

or; Overhead Squat for technique x8-10 reps

P/S: as rx; build to moderate set;

Snatches do not have to be touch & go



4 sets; 45 sec on; 15 sec off for max reps

1. Row for Cal

2. DB Man Makers; light

3. Box Jump + Step Down 24/20"

F: Box Step up or low jump]

P/S: as rx; adjust load for turnover on DB Man Maker

start at worst station; rotate through -

no additional rest

score is total reps + cals