Wednesday, April 17, 2019
A. 5 Sets : One Set every 2 min for 10 min;
A. Front Squat x5 w/2 sec pause,
F: DB x10; 22x0 tempo
P/S: Build to a tough set of 5 reps
B. "You Break, You Buy"
15 min AMRAP:
Run 200m
10 OHS
Max Rep Unbroken Strict Pull Up
rest 30 sec after each round
F: Run 200m + 10x KB Front Squat +Unbroken Ring Row
P: Run 200m + 10x OHS 75/53# + Max unbroken Strict Pull Up
S: Run 200m + 10x OHS 95/65# + Max Unbroken Strict CtB Pull Up