Saturday, March 24, 2018


3 Rounds (rotate through, rest as needed):
1. Lateral Lunge (8-10 each leg)
F: just bodyweight
P/S: holding KB

2. 100 foot 2KB Overhead Carry
All groups: adjust load as needed

3. 50-100 Foot Reverse Sled Drag or 10 Pendlay Rows


20 min AMRAP (Teams of 3. Waterfall style)
Athlete 1 does first movement, then athlete 2, then athlete 3

8 Ring Dips (F: 8 Push Ups)
8/7 Call Airdyne (all groups)
8 Hang Power Cleans (F: Slam Ball or RKBS, P: 95/65#, S: 135/95#)
8/7 Cal Row (all groups)
100 foot Odd Object Carry (your choice - have fun!)