Friday, May 4, 2018


4 Rounds:

1. 4 reps, 1 and 1/4 Front Squat, build in weight each set

F: 4 reps, Single or 2 KB Goblet front squat @ 32X2 tempo

P/S: as rx

rest 10-20 sec.

2. 2 KB front rack lunge, 6 each leg

rest 10-20 sec.

F: Single KB Lunge, 6 each leg

P/S: as rx

3. 8 Squat Jump, for height [not for speed]
[don't worry about measuring - all groups]

rest 2 min after each set


"4 Minutes"

One set every 4 min for 16 min:
*score is slowest time of the 4 rounds*

Run 200m
15 T2B
15 OHS

F: Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises + Front Squat or Barbell OHS

P: 95/65# or lighter

S: unbroken T2B + 135/95#