15 min Alt EMOM
- 5 rounds each station
1. 3 Deadlift @ 2020 tempo
- build to moderate reps, not a max
F: 5-6 reps; 2020 tempo
2. 5 Prone Row
F: 2DB Bent Over Row 8 reps; @ 21X1 tempo
P/S: Build to tough set of 5 w/barbell or 2DB's
3. 5-7 Strict HSPU
F: Seated DB Press 8-10 reps; @ 2020 tempo
P: Strict HSPU 5-7 reps [can be broken up]
S: Strict Deficit HSPU 5 reps, unbroken
5-6 sets:
Row 100m HARD
- rest 90-120 sec btw sets
*score is your fastest time, but enter all times in notes*
This is your WOD for today, go for it!