Monday, July 16, 2018


3 Rounds:

10 Hollow Rock + MU Transition

F: Ring Row isometric Hold x20 sec

P: Banded Muscle Up Transition x5

S: Russian Dips x5

Part B:
One set every 4 min for 16 min; 
- 1 set should take about 60 - 90 sec. #thepumpisreal

6 Strict Pull Up, rest 10 sec
12 Ring Row, rest 10 sec
20 Bicep Curl
- rest remaining time

F: 5x jumping pull up w/slow lowering + 10x Ring Row [adjust angle] + 15x Curl

P; as rx; use band as needed for strict pull up

S: strict/weighted Pull Up as needed


Aerobic Power Intervals:
- 10 min AMRAP

100m Run
10 Alt Arm KB Hang Clean
Unbroken T2B 

rest 30 sec active after each round

F: Hanging Knee Raises [sub to suit case sit up]

P: K2E or T2B

S: Straight Leg T2B

*score is total reps unbroken of T2B*