Wednesday, July 25, 2018


4 Sets Strict FBB Press/Shoulder endurance

A1. Seated Legs Straight
8-10 Seated Presses: 30x1 arms together

rest 30 secs

A2. HS Holds, rest 60 sec
F: wall walk x4 reps: [sub to plank x30 sec] P: HS Hold against wall x30 sec
S: Wall Facing HS Hold x30 seconds


4 sets: 1 Set every 5 min for 20 min

6 Bar Over Burpees
8 Power Cleans to Push Jerks
10/7 Cal Row or Airbike Row

rest remaining time
score is fastest & slowest time

F: 8 Burpees + 8 KBS or Slam Balls + 8/6 Cal Row

P: 95/65# to 115/75#