Wednesday, August 15, 2018


A. 5 rounds:
Snatch Complex - SHP+BTKPS+PS
- One set every 2 min for 10 min

1 Snatch High Pull + 
1 Below Knee Power Snatch, 
reset + 1 Power Snatch

2 rounds of this complex = 1 'set'

B. 3 rounds:
-One set every 2 min for 6 min

Snatch High Pull
reset each rep; no dropping from top

F: DB Hang High Pull x5 each arm

P: Snatch High Pull x5 reps @moderate load
75-80% of 1RM

S: Snatch High Pull x3 reps @85-90% 1RM


[Grace/Annie combo]

30 reps for time:

10 Power Clean + Push Jerk
50 Double Unders
8 PC + PJ
40 Double Unders
6 PC + PJ
30 Double Unders
4 PC + PJ
20 Double Unders
2 PC + PJ
10 Double Unders

F: 3-1 singles 

P: As rx; 135/95#

S: 165/105# + unbroken double Unders