CrossFit 310

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Thursday, August 30, 2018


Single Leg Squat; Retest from 7/12

F: Build to 8RM each leg box step up
P: max rep unbroken pistol each leg [no more than
60 sec per leg - must stay in place & no putting foot down
or holding anything]
S: Build to weighted 1RM Pistol each leg


Aerobic Power: Retest 7/10

"Two Step"

20 min AMRAP
200m Run
20x Russian KBS 53/35
20x Abmat Sit Up

F; 15x Russian KBS + 15x Sit Ups
P: 53/35# or lighter
S: RBKS 70/53# +V-Up

Aer Power w/Sp-Str Endurance; more
breathing than muscle end

finish: 5-10 min shoulder prep/care
test from week 1 of this cycle; 7/10