Saturday, September 15, 2018


A. Power Snatch Tech

5 sets; one set every 2 min for 10 min; 
1x Snatch High Pull + 
1x Hang Power Snatch
+ 1x Power Snatch

F: Hang Power Snatch x3 reps w/light BB or
3x DB hang Power Snatch each arm
+ 3x Box Jump/Step down

P/S: Build to tough set of the complex


Team/Partner WOD: 
Teams of 2; 
3 Rounds for time; 
split up reps as needed: 
10x Hang Power Snatch
20x Box Jump + Step Down
30x Ring Dips/Push Ups
Run 400m Together

F: Push Ups + Slam Ball/DB Hang Power Snatch [L/R = 1 rep]
P: 95/65-115/75# Ring Dip w/kip or assisted
S: 155/105# Snatch + Strict Ring Dip