Saturday, September 8, 2018


Front Squat; in 12-15 min; 
Build to tough set of 3 reps
F: 6 reps; 31x1 tempo
P/S: Build to tough set of 3
rest 90-120 sec after each


"Mix and Match"

Mixed Partner WOD

In teams of 2; complete the following; 
start at either station

5 min AMRAP,
Row 750m split up as needed, 
in remaining time perform max rep
OHS 75/53#
F: PVC OHS/Light OHS or KB Front Squat
P: 75/53#
S: 95/65#

rest 2 min 

5 min AMRAP
Run 400m [P1, then P2]
then in remaining time
perform max rep Toe to bar

F: Hanging Knee Raises
P/S: T2B