Friday, January 18, 2019
A. 4 Sets: Build
A1. Snatch Grip DL x6-8: Build to moderate set;
F: Build to 8 reps; 2020 tempo Clean Grip Deadlift
P: as rx; build
S: as rx; build
Rest 30-60 Sec
A2. Strict HSPU [defecit]
F: Seated DB Press x8
P: Strict HSPu x5-7 reps [assisted as needed]
S: Strict Deficit HSPU x4-5, increasing depth
Rest 1-2 Min
"Divide By"
10 min AMRAP
20x Russian KBS
10x Strict Press
5x CtB Kipping Pull Up
F: RKBS light + 2DB Press + Jumping Pull Up/Kipping Pull Up
P: 53/35# RKBS + 75/53# Strict Press [or lower] + 5x CtB Pull Up
S: 70/53# RKBS + 95/65# Strict Press + 5x Bar MU