Monday, January 28, 2019
5 Sets; One Set every 2 min for 10 min:
3x Power Clean + 3x Front Squat +
3x Push Jerk; Build to tough set:
F: 5x Front Squat + 5x Push Press[DB or BB]
P: As Rx; Touch & Go
S: As Rx; Tough & Go
"Stay Tuned"
4 sets: Score is LOWEST Score at each station
45 sec per station, rest 15 sec to rotate
start at weakest station
1. Hang Power Clean [BB Cycling]
2. Weighted Lunge
3. OH Press
F: Slam Ball + 2DB Suitcase Lunge + 2DB Seated Press
P: HPC 115/75# + 2DB Front Rack Lunge + 2DB Shoulder to Overhead
S: HPC 155/105# + 2DB Lunge [1 front rack, 1OH] + Strict HSPU