Wednesday, October 30, 2019


A. 4-5 Sets:

A1. Prone Row x5 31x1

F: 2DB Bent Row x6-8 31x1

P/S: as rx, build

A2. L-Sit or Hollow Rock for 20 sec (cumulative) after each set of prone row - not for score


-Horizontal pulling strength to balance out vertical dynamic pulling

-L-Sit for Core Endurance + Horizontal Pull = building blocks needed for more advanced gymnastics


B. "Carry On"

3 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

10x DB Man maker

50m DB Carry

All Groups. Adjust load Down as needed.

WOD Notes:

-Aerobic Muscle Endurance + Core Stability [Man Maker/Carry]

-Additional Horizontal Pulling & time under tension to balance w/higher rep vertical pulling in Open workouts.