Monday, February 11, 2019
Macho Man
EMOM for as many EMOM 15 min
re-test from 1/9/2019
Goal is to complete 10 rounds...
F: with 2DB's, 5x Hang Power Clean + 5x Squat + 5x Push Press
P: 135/90# [scale down]
S: 185/125#
3x Power Clean
3x Front Squat
3x Shoulder to Overhead
if you get to 12, then for rd 13 it's
Round 14 is 5+5+5
Round 15 is 6+6+6,
then Round 16 7+7+7
Score = Rounds UB + Total rounds
Ex. 5 Rounds before break, then finish 9 rounds = 5+9
3 Sets Build:
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x8
Half Kneeling Filly Press x8