Wednesday, May 22, 2019


A. 4-5 Sets:

A1. 3x SA DB/ KB Push Press + 3x SA Push Jerk

F: 8x 1DB Push Press each arm

P/S: Build to moderate set of 3x Push Press + 3x Push Jerk

Rest 30 sec

A2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x6 each leg holding 2 DB/kb, pause 1 second in bottom each rep

F: Split Stance Squat x6 each leg, weighted

P/S: as rx

Rest 60 sec


B. "Time Zone"

3 Rounds: 4 min AMRAP, rest 1 min after each AMRAP

50x Double Unders

21x DB Box Step Over

12x Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead

F: 100x Single Under + 21x Box Step Over/Lunge unweighted + 12x SA DB StO

P: As rx; load they can use at unbroken reps [adjust dubs down to 30 as needed]

S: Unbroken Dubs + Unbroken DB Step Over + Unbroken StO

Start up each round exactly where you left off

Score is total rounds combined.