A. 3-4 Sets:
A1. Ring Row Isometric Hold:
F: 2 arm Iso Hold x20-30 sec
P/S: Single arm x20-30 sec each
Rest 30 Sec
A2. Handstand work;
F; Wall Walk x4
P: Wall Facing HS Hold or Freestanding x20 sec [cumulative]
S: Freestanding Hold x20 sec cumulative
Rest 60-90 sec
B. "I Like This Station"
3 min per station, rest 1 min to rotate:
start at worst station & rotate through 4 stations in order
1. Row for Cal: all groups
2. Farmer Carry Heavy; 1 pt every 50’: [All groups can use a shuttle] - can be any odd object
3. DB Man maker light: All Groups adjust based on load [can just be burpeesfor those where this is too high a skill]
4. Sled Push/Airdyne/Ski Erg/or Handstand Walk
have fun on this one - sled push or airdyne is idea - but coach’s choice