Tuesday, June 18, 2019


A.10 min Alt EMOM 5 Sets each

A1. Behind the neck strict press; Build to a tough single rep

F: Standing 2DB Press x5; 21x1

P/S: Build to tough single

A2. Chin Over Bar Iso Hold x20 sec

F: Assisted

P: 20 sec cumulative/weighted if possible

S: 20 sec CtB/weighted


B. "Pendulum"

15 min AMRAP:

Run 400m

40x Sit Up

Run 200m

20x DB Front Rack Lunge

Run 100m

10x Strict HSPU

F: AMRAP of: 100m Run + 20x Sit Up + 100m Run + 20x bwt Lunge + 100m Run + 20x DB Push Press

P: Piked HSPU or Strict HSPU [abmat ok]

S: Strict or Deficit HSPU