A1. Close Grip Bench Press x8; build
F: 2DB Bench Press x10; 3111 tempo
A2. SL CrossBody DL x6-8 each leg; build 20x1 tempo
F: staggered stance suit case DL
P/S: SL CrossBody DL x6-8
B. "Up"
12 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12-15, etc, climbing ladder
Climbing ladder of
-Sit Ups
-Push Up
-Box Jump/Step Down 24/20"
+50m Single Arm Farmers Carry L/R each side at end of the round
*Score is whatever round is finished + any extra reps
Ex: finish round of 15 and 3 box jumps = 15 + 39
50m Single arm Farmer Carry = 10 pts (5 for left and 5 for right)