Tuesday, September 3, 2019
A. Sumo Deadlift: One set every 2:30 for 15 min: 6 sets total
Build up - 1.1.1; Cluster - drop from top;
rest 5 sec b/w each rep; pulls should be fast!
F: SDL or Regular DL x6 reps; 2011 tempo
P/S: as rx; 1.1.1; build
B. "All the Way Up"
One set every 3 min AMRAP; Rest 1 min x3 [11 min total]
Run 200m + 30x Double Unders
remaining time is
BB Power Snatch or Power Clean
[or Alt Arm DB Hang Power Snatch]
*Score is total Snatch Reps combined of all 3 sets
F: 15x Ball Slam + Single unders
P: 60-67% of 1RM Snatch or DB HPSn + Dubs
S: 70-75% of 1RM Snatch
or can do DB Power Snatch; same idea;
challenging load just at low CP-Battery Load