Friday, September 27, 2019
A. 5-6 sets:
A1. Deadlift x3: Build to tough set of 3
10x50%, 8-10x60% 5-7x70%, 3-5x80% 3 x@85% 2-3x 85-90%
F: 8 reps; 2010 tempo
P/S: as rx; build
A2. Strict HSPU - AMRAP -2 [just short of failure each set]
or use spotting/piked off box for adjustment to keep full ROM]
F: Seated 2DB Press x8; 2010 tempo; build
P: As rx or piked/assisted off box
S: As rx;
B. Crossfit Games Open WOD 11.1/14.1
10 min AMRAP
15x Power Snatch
30x Double Unders
F: Russian KBS x15 + Single Under x60
P/S: as rx; 75/53#