Tuesday, November 6, 2018


5 Sets:

A1. Front Squat x5, rest 30 sec

Build to a tough set of 5 reps:

F: 8 reps; 30x1 tempo

P/S: Build to tough set of 5 reps

A2. Prone Row or Barbell Bent Row x8

rest 60 sec

Can use 2DB's as needed


Aerobic Muscle Endurance Intervals

3 sets; 45 sec on, 15 sec off; 12min Total

1. Wall Ball

2. Box Jump/Step Down

3. Row for Cal @high effort

rest 1 min

F: Light WB + Low BJ or step up + Row

P: 20/14# WB + 24/20" BJ + Row

S: 30/20# WB + 30/24" Box JUmp + Row