Monday, December 3, 2018


5 Sets:

1x Front Squat + 1x Thruster + 1x Push Press:

Build to heavy set of this complex

F: 3x Front Squat + 3x Push Press + 3x Thruster

P/S: Build to tough single


Thruster + Pull-ups Intervals

7 min AMRAP;

goal is unbroken sets each round.

9x Thruster [95/65#]

9x Pull Up

rest 30 sec after each set

output will be just above 1:1 work/rest -

if they cannot do these sets close to unbroken for set 1,

then drop reps DOWN to 7 or 5, and keep rest at 30 sec

F: DB thruster or empty barbell thruster + Jumping Pull Up

P; as rx: 95/65 + Chin Over Bar

S: 135/95# Thruster + CtB Pull ups; goal is unbroken

[ideal score is ~5-7 rds for most]