CrossFit 310

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Friday, December 7, 2018


8 Sets: One set every 90 Sec for 12 min

1x Snatch Extension + 1x Hang Squat Snatch

+ reset + 1x Full Squat Snatch

One rep every 90 sec for 12 min; Build x8 sets

F: Overhead Squat x5 reps; 31x1 tempo;

focus on technique & build to moderate loading

P/S: Build to tough set of the complex 1+1+1


[12 min total]

2 Rounds for max reps; push deep

1 min On, 1 min off

1. Strict HSPU

F: Seated 2DB Press

P: Strict HSPU or piked HSPU off box

S: Strict dHSPU

rest 1 min

2. T2B

F: Sit Up

P/S: as rx

rest 1 min

3. OHS

F: KB Front Squat

P: 95/65# [sub to FSQ if any shoulder issues]

S: 135/95#

rest 1 min

score is total reps combined;

start at worst station & rotate through