Friday, April 13, 2018


Back Squat
Build up first, then:

3 x 10 reps, same weight all sets
- rest 2-3 min after each set

*All Levels load appropriate based on shorter rest times [should be 65-70% of 10RM for quality]


18 min Alt. EMOM:
- 6 @ each station, start at 1, then 2, then 3, back to 1, etc.

1. 40-50 Doubles Unders
2. 6-10 Strict Pull Ups
3. 12/10 Cal Row/Bike

F: 100-150 Single Unders, 6-10 Ring Rows, 10/8 Cal
P: as Rx, Strict Pull Ups/Negatives
S: Unbroken Double Unders + Strict C2B